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Tech Summit

How are the latest technologies changing the future landscape of business, management, customer service and entertainment? And what place will humankind take in this world? Let's find out - together.



Evolution of Experience: Rethinking the B2B Experience

Discover the possibilities of restarting business processes, integrating products into super-applications and bringing financial transactions to a new, more secure level. Discuss the technical advantages that will attract new customers and determine the future of the business


Exciting Interactions: Rethinking the Consumer Network

Explore virtual and augmented reality, immerse yourself in the exciting potential of artificial intelligence and explore new dimensions of the metaverse. Create richer, more exciting interactions that will redefine the consumer experience.


Digital Horizons: Rethinking Urban Landscapes with the help of technology

Free yourself from traditional stereotypes and witness the new formation of cities through the prism of technology on the path of governance. Governments are increasingly introducing transformative technologies such as facial recognition, technology software for public services and multi-channel citizen experiences. Explore the potential of these technologies and shape the future of management


The Wonders of Technology: Shaping the Future of Entertainment

Find new points of contact between entertainment and human potential. Discover the breakthrough technologies that are already transforming the entertainment industry and find the answer to the key question: "What technologies will shape the future of entertainment and attract an audience

Xaas as LifeGO AIDigital and the Public AdministrationCapturing Web3Automation is everywhereIoTeCommerce for GrowthPlay to earnTech for wellbeingSustainable technologyIoTXaas as LifeGO AIDigital and the Public AdministrationCapturing Web3Automation is everywhere

IoTeCommerce for GrowthPlay to earnTech for wellbeingSustainable technologyIoTXaas as LifeGO AIDigital and the Public AdministrationCapturing Web3Automation is everywhereIoTeCommerce for GrowthPlay to earnTech for wellbeingSustainable technologyIoT

Future Go Tech Summit Speakers

Stewart Rogers
Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr
Nainan Shah
John Biggs
Casey Fenton
Holly Wood
Sharon Epskamp
Leo Hilse
Ksenia Stark
Hidde De Vries
Agnes Karolina Bakk
Ivan Puzyrev
Ian Halperin
Amirsan Roberto
Max Avdeev
Anil Altas Brug
Jeremias Kettner
Mohammad Nur-A-Alam
Selcuk Kosemehmetoglu
Andrew Freeburg
Dina Dramaretskaya
Gabriela Teissing
Shahid Ahmad
Dave Ranyard
Tim Levent Yurdum
Reedah El-Saie
Eddy Tavío
Pamina Bou
Uluc Yuca
Nataly Ourly
David Atterman
Janis Munch
María Castillo
Chris Robbins
İlker Selim Zorluoğlu
Esma Cinokur

Why Attend

The forefront of tech

Have you always dreamed of looking into the future? You have every chance! Speakers with broad expertise will tell you what is behind the tech giants now and give a forecast of what awaits us very soon!

Bare-knuckle learning

Beautiful stories of the companies’ creation are no longer impressive. That is why there will be only those speakers on our stage who will tell you how they started their career journey from the very bottom, give a stand-up about downfalls and share practical tips on how to find a niche in the tech ocean.

Emotions’ explosion

Learn hard, play harder. Each of the days of the summit will be filled not only with in-depth lectures, but also with parties, networking sessions, business breakfasts and many more.

All-out networking

For two days, the summit will be the most business-oriented place in Istanbul. If you dream of scaling a business, launching a new direction and looking for partners or employees for this, you should definitely be here!

(Enter)tainment 2.0

AR, VR, and metaverses seem to have passed a stage in the experience economy. At the summit, we will convince you of the opposite and show you what else these stacks can surprise, which technologies remain in the shadows, but will flourish very soon.


The first award where AI is not a tool but a jury.

The future is here, and we’re throwing it a welcome party. The world is full of incredible people making amazing discoveries, and we want you to get to know them. Let’s go!

Application Are Now Closed

We have already compiled a shortlist of participants and their brilliant ideas, all guaranteed to spark discoveries of your own. 
Our jury of 12 top experts and one AI will choose the top visionary innovators from the shortlist
We will hold a ceremony to celebrate them and their impact on the technology field at the end of the summit 

AR & VR Funmakers

Entertainment companies using AR and VR technologies, or companies that launched popular projects with the help of AR and VR. Sustainable Tech: companies or creators that have created sustainable, impactful projects.

Next-gen Creator

A creator who has achieved widespread renown over the past year for an extraordinary project. This award offers nominees an opportunity to expand their community and attract additional public attention to their projects. Urban Tech: companies that are redesigning digital environments for greater accessibility and creating services that simplify the work of architects and urban planners.

Women in Digital

For outstanding achievements among women founders in the digital sector.

Digital breakthrough

For the biggest growth in popularity over the course of the year. Nominees will be evaluated based on their projects’ publicity and user base.

AI Angel

For extraordinary achievements in the use of artificial intelligence. Life 3.0: for the best wellness and health tech service developed over the past year.

Lifestyle  tech

Beauty and fashion brands that have made a huge leap in digital transformation


October 6-7, Istanbul

Join our adventure to the future of innovations and latest trends of digital

Our partners

Discover Istanbul

Do you want to stay in Istanbul for the weekend after the conference? This is a great opportunity to explore the city, delve into the local culture, experience a gastronomic adventure in the best restaurants, visit the not-to-be-missed sights, and a few hidden gems.